Well, after a busy summer on the road, we're finally home for the foreseeable (planned) future. And frankly, I am wallowing in having nothing in particular to do. Apart from trying to liberate the house from built-up cat-hair, find a baby-sitter, clean the bathrooms, catch up on all of the inane projects I've got*, sew a bridesmaid's gown, water the damn balcony pots, and oh yes, watch Amoryn.
She is growing like a weed, incidentally. She loves her mush, I tell ya'. Haven't weighed her in two weeks, but last time she was 15 lb 12 oz. I'll update about that on Thursday.
Amoryn is also quite the little traveller - she's covered about 9,000 km in her first four & a half months, and she's a great traveller. The sheer volume has been a bit of a drag, as there was nothing even remotely approaching a schedule when we finally got home. That's okay, I think we're coming along as far as that goes. As well, stopping for feeds has become more complex with the addition of mush & the need to avoid coating the interior of the Jeep with said mush. (I mean, I try to avoid getting myself covered in mush as a matter of routine, but it's far easier for me to change a shirt than to try & expunge mush from upholstry.)
I foresee quite a few roadtrips into the fall & winter, but I'll post about that later. She's getting fidgety (almost lunch time- yay!! boob & mush!!!!!!), so we're off to the kitchen!
*- The pics from both our trip tp Asia & our trip to Philly & NY, NY are both printed out & now reside in albums. Next up, wedding photos!