Wednesday, August 29, 2007

So When Do We Change Her Oil?

Well, after a busy summer on the road, we're finally home for the foreseeable (planned) future. And frankly, I am wallowing in having nothing in particular to do. Apart from trying to liberate the house from built-up cat-hair, find a baby-sitter, clean the bathrooms, catch up on all of the inane projects I've got*, sew a bridesmaid's gown, water the damn balcony pots, and oh yes, watch Amoryn.
She is growing like a weed, incidentally. She loves her mush, I tell ya'. Haven't weighed her in two weeks, but last time she was 15 lb 12 oz. I'll update about that on Thursday.
Amoryn is also quite the little traveller - she's covered about 9,000 km in her first four & a half months, and she's a great traveller. The sheer volume has been a bit of a drag, as there was nothing even remotely approaching a schedule when we finally got home. That's okay, I think we're coming along as far as that goes. As well, stopping for feeds has become more complex with the addition of mush & the need to avoid coating the interior of the Jeep with said mush. (I mean, I try to avoid getting myself covered in mush as a matter of routine, but it's far easier for me to change a shirt than to try & expunge mush from upholstry.)
I foresee quite a few roadtrips into the fall & winter, but I'll post about that later. She's getting fidgety (almost lunch time- yay!! boob & mush!!!!!!), so we're off to the kitchen!
*- The pics from both our trip tp Asia & our trip to Philly & NY, NY are both printed out & now reside in albums. Next up, wedding photos!

Monday, August 27, 2007

It's Very Good

It's a good feeling, to know that you have the kind of best friend that you can call in the middle of the day, ask inane questons about raisins, and get answers.
(The answer turned out to be currants, actually.)

10 Things That I Did Not Expect

(For the enjoyment of moms & the edification of those who have not changed their lives in this particular fashion.)
As Amoryn approaches five months, here are ten things that I did not expect:
10) With the introduction of mush to Am's diet, poo has become very much like peanut butter.
9) I love the man even more all the time, especially when I walk into the room & find him changing Amoryn & singing bastardized Xmas carols. (Jingle poo? Santa Bum? I'll let you imagine the lyrics.)
8) Babies are funny. Really really funny. Especiaaly when they sneeze mush all over the place.
7) Babies are disgusting. Especially when they sneeze mush all over the place.
6) Completely unrestrained existence. When she sneezes, it's ah-SPLAT! When she's happy, it's beams of sunshine with dancing angels. And of course, when she's mad, she is MAD.
5) I am completely incapable of being embarassed by my boobs any more. I guess that's a side effect of giving birth in a room full of people & being a food source.
4) I miss wearing jewelry - esepcially my murano glass necklace. I don't think Am could break it; but she bashes her little head against me, & I don't want her to have bead shaped impressions in her skull.
3) Smelling like maple syrup. Hello, fenugreek, you help my milk, & I smell like Aunt JeMomma. Where's the pancakes?
2) How very sweet & precious an uninterupted shower is, particularily when I have a chance to shave my legs.
1) How unutterably, unbearably sweet my baby is. All the time.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Well, Really.

Why on earth does every child's toy &/or apparatus that requires batteries have one teeny tiny screw holding the little battery door shut? I mean, I need to break out the glasses repair kit, these screws are so tiny. Why not have bigger screws that a person could undo with a fingernail or a table knife? And there's no way to do it with out un-doing the screws, either. Gosh. What's the big deal? Are they afraid that some one will take them apart & eat the batteries? Because who would...
Right. Babies & toddlers would.
Never mind. (I promise, I'll get better at this whole parenting schtick, I will.)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Hey There!

So! It's been a busy week or so. I have several (okay, like two) blog entries planned, but they are waiting on various things...
So really, I have nothing too serious to say. Amoryn is splendid, & adores her big cousin, Zsjena, who spends as much time as possible carting her about. Zsjena has been in day camp this week, so life has been a little closer to the standard (high point of day = Amoryn spends long enough in Jumperoo for me to vacuum entire main floor vs. highpoint of day = the zoo! with the bears that are wrestling! and biting each other!). Next week, big plans.
The man is well.
The yard is gorgeous.
The cats are fairly well behaved. -ish.
The weather is nice. Today.
I'm hanging out at Sarah's, BABY-FREE!, omg, and yes. I have nothing to say to you, Internet, I used all of my babble on Sar. And on the nice security guard who took the parking ticket that we shouldn't have gotten & promised to quash it. Sadly, he did not use the word "quash".
I really have nothing to say.... Life is good. I is happy. You can has cheezburger.
Oo, pizza's ready, gotta run! I promise a more sensible, narrative, funny post when I've got more distractions around.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Guest Post

The man sent this last night, cc'ing me. So now I'm cc'ing you, the internet.

Dear Mr Prime Minister
Our baby was born on april 4, now 4 months old.
We just received our first check from the child care benefit program, $300 for 3 months back pay.
My wife found the jumperoo in the attached pic for $100 today, Amoryn loves her new gizmo.
Thanks again for a good program.
ps; the other $200 went for popcorn and beer, oh how i hate to be an Alberta stereotype.

Amoryn's Teeth Are Going To Kick My Ass

They sort of are, already. While no pearly whites have broke surface yet, I can consistently rely on waking up with a scarlet cheeked baby at least two days a week. Three, if I'm lucky.
I know that doesn't sound like much, but as those teeth move up, down, & all around, they punish my poor baby.
Still desn't sound like much? The hurt her mouth, so she cries, & is fussy. And no matter what blend of teething toys, gripe water, & baby tylenol, there comes a point in the evening where Am is hungry. But her mouth hurts. So she doesn't want to nurse. But she's hungry. And even the last time this happened, when I had tried to give her tylenol before the screaming hysteria, the screaming hysteria & the evil ourobous of baby hungry -> no nursing, because mouth hurts -> Baby Hungry -> No Nursing, Because MOUTH HURTS -> BABY HUNGRY!!!!
The man asked when babies are done teething, & I said "Six. There's six year old molars." I'm hoping that I was being sarcastic & doomsday-ish, instead of total reality-ish. I'm too afraid to check the internet & find out though.