Monday, September 10, 2007

Roll Count! Every cat, fall out!

If I could teach the cats one command, I would be very tempted to make it a roll-call command.
I've been painting the basement bedroom, which makes me very happy. So far I've accomplished one coat of flesh-toned primer, & two coats of "Cleveland Brown". (Which is very much nicer than the first thing I thought of when I heard the name, thank you very much.*)
Of course, the bedroom is an intoxicatingly perilous shambles, with everything huddling in the center of the room.
And of course, the cats find this so! very! exciting! It's like one ran to find the other two, meowing "OMFG! Chek it owt!". Because they are all in there, perched on various verboten surfaces. Like my ladder, or the ledge I just painted, or the top of the big tippy pile of bedding. You know, fun cat places.
And of course, trying the get all three of the damn cats out of the room, then trying to confirm that all three monsters are gone, well. Usually there has been a little bit of shrieking to help them understand that they should leave. And to find all three in the house, post shriek, can make a person feel a little crazy. And like shrieking more.
Of course, cat-nip is suspiciously similar to roll-call. As is the sound of a tuna can opening. Hmmm. Perhaps I have been approaching this the wrong way...
*- If you didn't think of it, you really don't want to know.**
** - It's not like millinery, people.***
*** - All right. But don't say that I didn't warn you... (thankfully, there are no images)

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