Wednesday, August 20, 2008

"And you know you've seen it all..."

Some days have automatic soundtracks. You wake up, and there’s a song in your head, & it just fits the day.
So what kind of day am I headed for if I’ve got the Dead Kennedy’s “Holiday In Cambodia” in my head?
Time will tell… but it could be rough on the engineers that are wrapped up in their own little worlds….
Turns out, it led to a happy & productive morning, followed by a slump in the afternoon. Fits with punk, I guess - all strong agression, not much lasting power. I guess it's hard to sustain that level of energy. And yes, it's true, old punk has lasting appeal; but what about the new stuff? Blech.
Also, I changed listening gears forcibly as I spent 55 minutes trying to get across the rush hour traffic into the zoo to pick up my zoo-camper. Agh. I think I would have started clubbing people with my Club if I hadn't changed tunes.
Now, to go & wake the baby, then zoom to the chiro, then back to the zoo! Oh boy! Wish me luck with traffic!

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