Friday, July 16, 2010

The Vorpal Blade Went Snicker-Snack

So I've been working on a small shawl/scarf made from Curious Creek Fiber's Etosha. It was going quite well, until I started to cast off.
Turns out, I should have stopped one series of stripes earlier. I shrugged, cast off in yellow, and figured I'd try to cadge another 6m of the purple from someone who went to the yarn tasting.
(The fateful join.)
Then it occurred to me that that wasn't very re-creatable for a pattern, so I decided to pick back the bound off edge, go back to the prior stripe, and cast off again. No big.
.....except have you ever tried to frog mohair? It's fiddly. Turns out that unpicking the bound-off edge of a mohair scarf leads to madness. The above photo (& its 4" of progress) took at least half an hour.
So I got a little crazy. And I got the scissors.
Yes, those are my sewing shears to cut off the bound off edge. I figured that I'd lose one, maybe two rows, and still have enough purple to finish the edge.
And if it didn't work, there's a firepit in the backyard.
Are you shocked yet?
(Not for the faint of heart, no.) (Or the sane, possibly.)
Now, the only part of the procedure that really made me think I was an idiot was the fact that I'd JUST vacuumed.
I know that it looks quite tidy here, and almost like a finished edge in & of itself. However. This was before the yarn salvage operation began.

Yea, and the mohair shreds fell like rain...

This part, although messy, was quick enough. A little more fraught with tension; I was starting to wonder if I'd have enough yarn, and if a three inch piece of yarn was long enough to save for potential spit-splicing. I was also wondering how awful spit-splicing mohair would be - hairballs, they aren't just for cats anymore?

I decided to make the cut-off length six inches. And after I vacuumed, I bound off. Again. And this time, there was enough yarn. Thank heavens. I didn't really want to light this on fire:

(Sneak peek of Thaylor, a striped scarf/shawl that has a crocheted neck edge. I stash-dove & used a wee bit of Oban - also from Curious Creek Fibers. Thaylor's release is coming soon; provided that we all survive Stampede!)

(Yes, I crocheted. I figured after the scissors business that it would have to go well. I was right.)

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