Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Stashmas!

At Christmas, while it's easy to become enchanted with all the new, shiny, gew-gaws, it's important not to overlook the blessings we already have. In that spirit, may I present....
Stashmas '09!
Here are some of my favorite items in my stash... some are old, some are new. Some have plans & plots assigned to them; a couple I just like to pet.
(New, a b-day gift, maybe a small shawl?)
("Honey Fig" fiber from Sweet Georgia - Make 1. I'm so hung up on the color.)
(Mini-maiden. I lurves it. It lurves me.)

(If I were a sock-knitter, deedle-deedle-deedle-dum!)

(Mohair/linen. Fascinating blend!)

(Ooooooooooo. Anybody know any poppy inspired lace patterns?)

(Lace-weight merino that I died.)

(I had a plan for this... which I have amended slightly. It's too bulky, so...)

(I found this! Sock weight.)

(Perhaps a snuggly shawl that's not all garter?)
And most of all, just like Am says: "Daddy and mommy & sister & Amoryn: my FAMILY!"

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