Sunday, October 17, 2010

And Now She Is One!

Eleni had her first birthday yesterday...
She thought it was great; she liked the balloons and her sister was very helpful about opening presents. (Some small stuffies from me.)
Unlike a lot of kids, she did enjoy opening her cards... especially the giant bear from M_____ and M__.
The cake was the only thing I was really concerned about - with no dairy & no eggs, what do you do?
Well, you fret about it a bit, try a couple different things, then come up with a sort-of whoopie-pie/oreo cookie. Then, while the birthday girl is fussing as you try & get her candle lit, you set a couple cheerios on her tray, and she eats those instead of the cookie-cake.
(Stock photo)
Actually, I just watched the little video that her dad took, and she does pick up the cookie-cake, take a nibble, then drop it. She then looks over the edge a little wistfully, and refuses to eat anything other than cheerios. I missed that part because I was talking to Am.
I could wax poetic about how much I love her, and how amazing her first year has been, but I suspect if you follow this blog or know me, you know that already.
(And most of the photos are on Z____'s camera... and I don't have the cables to dump her pics into my camera, and now she's gone home. Sooooo.. imagine a fun, laughing day with giggly girls.)

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