Friday, October 29, 2010

That sound?

Oh, that sound. That's me gnashing my teeth in rage.
It's been a frustrating morning. First, the octopus costume that I made yesterday - that was warmly, gleefully, and lovingly received & worn yesterday - was rejected this morning.
I sighed, ground my teeth, and packed Amoryn & her octopus costume off to daycare & daycare's Halloween party. I told myself to not take it personally; she's a toddler, and at least I got to watch her run around yesterday, with all the legs on the costume bobbling around. Eight tentacles of awesome.
Now, I've earmarked today's naps as pattern editing time. And what happens? The software I'm using is crashing. CRASHING. Not even opening. Locking up. Every single time. I uninstalled, reinstalled, crash.
I've sent a rather abrupt email to their tech support; there's a new version available, but there's no link on their website to download it. I can download the old version... but not the newer one.
The program nicely pops up a window letting me know that there's a new version to download, and it lets me see that info as it crashes & locks.
Yes, I've restarted. Yes, I've closed all the other applications I was running. Yes, I'm ready to chew on the table. And yes, Eleni just woke up, which means that yes, I got two lines of the pattern edited.
I'd tell you more, including what program it is, but a) I'm hopeful that their tech support will come through b) frothing in a rage doesn't really do me any good, especially if I'm going to try & stay calm enough that I can rebuild in Excel during Eleni's afternoon nap. c) I'm not giving them any free advertising. If they come through, I might mention them favorably. If they don't, I'll be flaming them in a post.
And if that happens, I'll be naming names & pointing fingers. Heck, I might even put on the darn octopus costume, so that I've got more than just fingers to point & so that it gets some use.
Seriously. I have minimal 'focus' time available to me, this pattern is on a deadline, I spent yesterday making a rejected octopus, and I feel like it's all futile. Maddening & futile. I can't even make myself a coffee as a treat; I'm afraid that the caffeine & the rage might escalate to me teaching my laptop that it can fly.
Arrrrrrrg. *Sets forehead on table. Breathes. Breathes some more. Lifts head up.*
Okay, what's for lunch?

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