(I was going to call this post "Random Smattering of Fruitcake", but if you live with children, I suspect that you too will resonate to the potential scenarios that could be described by that phrase.)
Dear Daycare Workers:
I love that you have a tub labelled "MR. POTATOES HEAD". I'm not sure if it's the fact that you have segregated the Potato Head parts from the other plastic creatures, or that someone so painstakingly (& correctly) pluralized "potato".
Dear Market Mall Parking Lot:
You hate me, and I hate you, & I'd storm out in a huff, but I AM TRAPPED TRAPPED TRAPPED....
Dear Husband, Love of My Life:
You know I love you. I also know that you're fond of having a sane wife, so I didn't pick up your last Xmas gift. I drove away from the mall parking lot after 20 minutes. You're a big guy, I know you'll like it as a New Year's gift too.
Love, K.
Dear Eleni:
I love you so much, sweet thing. Today, I am especially smitten with the fact that you are sleeping better & better at night.
Love, Mom
Dear Amoryn:
You are such a bright girl! And such a caring little soul. I love that you came downstairs this morning, went to say hello to your sister in the playpen, and when she wasn't there, you marched me back to the stairs & told me to "Go get Lenni".
Love, Mom.
Dear Safeway Guy Who Did The Pricecheck On My Fresh Rosemary:
You were supposed to do a pricecheck, sir. You weren't supposed to bring back another bunch of herbs that have a bar code on them. I didn't need two bunches of thyme*. I need one bunch of thyme & one bunch of rosemary. (Sigh.) Now I have to go out shopping again...
Dear Addie's (in Cochrane):
You rock. Not only did you have a wonderful selection of batiks, you had Koigu on sale 30% off. And you have some of the best staff ever - you watched El in her carseat while I chased Am around, and you didn't cast any glances our way until we'd left the store..
Dear Everyone At the Yarn Store -
I've said it before, & I'll say it again. I love you all, and it means so much to me that you're there. If I don't see you again before Xmas, I hope that you have the best, mellowest, most joyful holiday.
Amoryn, do we need to yarn & fabric stores more often? I don't want you to lose the etiquette. I'd be more concerned, but when I opened up my birthday gift from Mom and petted the yarn, you asked to touch it too.
Dear Mom - thanks for trying to soothe El. I'll be right there.
*If you could get me more time, however, that would be nine kinds of awesome.