Well, contrary to what my last post might have lead you to believe, I haven't been laying around.
Much. I have snuck some in, just because I love me a sunbeam on the loveseat.
But I've mostly been busy painting. Actually, I've been busy with the regular routine, but especially busy because the painting has crept in to the naptime window of peace. I guess the regular routine has been slightly altered; but the parts of the house that have been painted look fantastic. Amoryn approves of the yellow; here's hoping that she likes the green that's the next to go up.
She's not so sold on the primer grey, but it's primer & she doesn't have to look at it for long.
In other news, I think that my strange & brief spell of knitting monogamy may be coming to end. For a little while, I was plowing through projects, with no fickle thoughts of casting on for something else, or gazing longingly at the flirty merino hand-dyes. Today, I thought four different times about going to wind up that one skein of Malabrigo, so that I could cast on for... And then I reminded myself that seriously, I have like 8 rows left in that other project, and it's just the fact that I'm making notes on it that's killing my fun. And my other fun project - the secret one that I can't show you because it's going to be a gift, blog - is great, but, well, a secret.
I'm off to bed now, with visions of fiber dancing in my head. I've got the itch to do some dying, but the kitchen space is currently full of paint & rollers & brushes. Sooooo... another good reason to get the painting all done!