Thursday, November 29, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Live Blogging Coverage of the Grey Cup. And whatever else I’m watching.
3:10 pm – I wake up from my nap. There’s been another murder in Las Vegas. The hype is increasing for the game, which is still featuring the Riders & the Bombers. Weirdly enough, the Riders seem to be favored. I’m trying not to take it as a bad omen.
3:50 pm – Game is almost ready to go. Introduced both teams & the refs. The jig is almost up for Karl, who had to kill the girl, because she was going to call the cops, then Karl would’ve been fingered for murdering buddy in the slum building.
3:58 pm – Karl’s wife tells him to leave. Not bad timing – just before the cops arrive. National anthem is being sung in both languages – I could swear the one word was going to be tabernac, but it was tabernuuusomething else.
4:00 pm – marching band exits, team captains & premiers make their way to center field. Karl gave himself up to save his family. Out in the desert, they’ve found something suspicious… a body! Murder again. Saskatchewan will receive the start. Amoryn should likely be waking up soon – but she had a short, restless night & a small morning nap, so I’ll give her another 15 minutes. Ooo, So You Think You Can Dance is on too. Maybe after CSI has wrapped up for the day I’ll watch that & the game…
4:13 pm – noticed cell phone is on silent and I missed three texts – two pics of a very happy man in green, & an invitation for brekky with Coreen L No score yet, 11:54 left in the first. I’ve seen the SYTYCD, back to CSI. They’ve ID’d the body.
4:58 pm – Well. The murder is quite strange. My daughter is quite funny. The game is at WPG 5, SSK 0, 9:09 2nd Qtr.
5:25 pm – Amoryn’s had her bottle, the game is tied at 7, almost half-time. And… there’s been a murder! A body in a chimney! Dun-dun-dunnnnn…. Another mystery: what to have for supper.
6:07 pm – A murder, but I know who dunnit. I also know what Amoryn had for supper, & the score – SSK10, WPG7. And I’m going to find out where some studs in the wall are… so that I can mount the baby gate.
6:48 pm – Lower baby gate – installed. Upstairs baby gate – marked & mulling. The pony wall is 3/4” out over about 18”. Not square, and not looking too stable for the square gate. I think we’re going to need to shim it…. The game is still underway, 4th Qtr just beginning, SSK 16, WPG 14. I can practically feel the man’s nerves from here… For the flip side, since I know that the second murder was an arranged suicide, I think we’re going to opt for the Wedding Planner. And soon, we’ll be opting for a sleeper & a bottle.
7:20 pm – Am’s getting some air on her bum; there’s less than three minutes in the game, & the score is 23-18 for Saskatchewan! OMG! Also, Sarah will be here shortly with the pizza. Also exciting.
7:32 pm – 6 seconds! It’s our game! We won! It’s ours! YEAHAAAOOOOOOOGORIDERS!!! Also, now Amoryn can change out of her “S” onesie & into her sleeper for her bottle & then bedtime.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Busy Week
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Oh yeah, baby, it's all about the action.
Friday, November 09, 2007
It's Friday!
Pip:"Thelxy, we're hear today to hear about your take on motherhood - tell us about it!"
T:"Well, you know, I sort of do. All those sailors shrieking & the ships hull's breaking up... it was a cracking good time. But there's always another ship to sink, and this is wonderful too. There's nothing like listening to my little nymph trying to learn to sing - she's so sweet! She'll only be this small once, you know."
T:"Thanks Pippin, it's been a treat to speak with you & Myth Information News... it's one of my favorite shows."
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Thrusday Blues
I woke up today feeling blue. It’s just intensified as the morning has gone on – although it’s still only 7:44 am. I think it’s a post-work hang-over. It’s because I didn’t sleep well. I’m wondering how selfish & self-absorbed I really am. I’m tired. I had found a comfortable spot, a balance that I loved with Amoryn & the man, & now I’ve introduced something new, and the apple cart is all wobbling around & the apples, they are jostling one another, instead of laying snug in their smug stacks. Damn those smug apples.
I went to the office yesterday; I left at 10:30 or so, & got home at 6. Sarah’s sister has been babysitting this week, and she’s fantastic – Amoryn adores her; they play together all day. She took some of the cutest pictures of Am yesterday! (I'll post them later.)
I think that makes me feel blue too. Even if I weren’t working, I still wouldn’t have spent an hour playing with Amoryn while she was in her Jumperoo – it just wouldn’t occur to me. There would be laundry, supper, dishes, vacuuming, bookkeeping… all the endless detritus that can expand almost infinitely to fill up life. We do play, & I read to her, & she “helps” me get supper ready – or at least, she drops the soup ladle I giver her out of her high chair while I make supper, but when she’s happy playing by herself, I’ve always just left her be. It’s never occurred to me that she might be really happy if I played with her then… and that makes me feel bad. Irrational, but true.*
And so now, with returning to work – and only 10 hours a week – I feel all unbalanced & like I’m ignoring the good things in my life. Which is ridiculous, I know; my brain knows that I’ll adjust to the balance; & I’ll feel good about working, & I won’t lay awake in the night, trying to slow the whirling dervish of my brain. My gut though, is in a knot. My heart needs a snuggle with Amoryn. It’s almost time for her to wake up. Maybe I’ll say to hell with trying to keep the house up for the man; and I’ll spend more time specifically playing with my girl. Yes, we all need to eat; but anybody can do the dishes. And clean the bathrooms. And once I clear the man on the new vacuum, he can use that too.
Enough maudlin! I’m going to go look at the new lolcats ( ) & then wake my girl up. Mamma needs some baby time. And even getting this out of my head makes me feel better. Thanks, Internet, you're the best listener.
*-In no way any kind of critique of Kathy! She's super! Don't you bad mouth my temporary babysitter! She rocks!