Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Ugly Truth Comes Out

A strange thing happened while we were on holidays. It's never happened before, actually: I woke up before the man, got up, and put the coffee on for him..
(Maybe they grow coffee on the island off in the distance on the right? I think that's Lanai, & I know the coffee is for sure on Kona, but I digress. As usual.)
It was astonishing, mostly because a) I am a sleeper, & b) I like the sleep. I don't know as I really identify myself as a coffee drinker, but I will make pots for others, & occasionally have a cup, if it's fortified by chocolate or Bailey's.
Today, out running errands, the man mentioned that he thought he'd put on a pot of drip coffee once we got home. I remembered this as I was happily mashing avocadoes into guacamole, & offered to put on a pot for him.
The man: "No thanks."
Me: "You changed your mind?"
The man: "Nope."

Me: "Ah-hahhhh - you just don't like my coffee!"
The man: "..." (while looking sheepish, trying to figure out what to say to bring it back to witty repartee from the potentially calamitous state of admitting he doesn't like my coffee.)
Me: (Smugly. Because now, I never ever have to even think 'Maybe I should be nice & get up early & make him a coffee'.) "Here, taste the guacamole."

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