Sunday, August 23, 2009

Turkey Turds & Truth In Advertising

So, I got a kite for the man & the girl a couple Xmases ago. It was a bit of a whim, in that I came across it at Costco, and it hasn't been set up. Until today.
Now, I'm realistic about my expectations in life, which means that I thought this kite (packaging illustrated above) would be big, & look a little like a dragon.
It's huge. HUGE. (Husband included for scale is 6'6.) The kite is very detailed - it has a tongue, & fangs, & a ruff in addition to a grand wingspan & tail. It has four legs, which all connect to the cord, and it should be very impressive once it's launched. I'm surprised & entertained by how grandly the kite exceeded my expectations, conformed to it's illustration, and made the man curse when he put it together.
Changing the subject almost completely, have you ever eaten a turkey turd? They're also known as haystacks or unbaked cookies, and they're delicious & addictive. The man just brought the plate over.
(There aren't that many cookies left now.) Because I can't share the cookies with you, Intarweb, I'm going to do the next best thing & share the recipe. Be warned; ever have someone to share these with OR have indomitable willpower.
Boil in microwave together for 5 minutes (time will depend on your microwave):
2c white sugar
1/2c butter
1/2c milk
5 TB cocoa (+)
(I generally stir them every minute, and count the formal minute count once all the butter is melted, and stop cooking once the sugar is all dissolved.)
Quickly stir in:
1 tsp vanilla
1 c coconut (+)
2c oatmeal (+)
Stir & drop onto wax paper by the spoonful. Refrigerate until set (if you can wait that long), and enjoy. (I like to increase the cocoa, & find that I always need to increase the coconut & oatmeal.
You can tell yourself that they're high in fiber? I have no other rationalizations, other than that they're great to make in hot weather, and they're healthier than rice krispie kake. I think. I like them better, at any rate...

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