Friday, October 09, 2009

Gifts & Guests from the North!

Well, one of the guests is just on her way from the North to home. Nonetheless, she brought Am this little fellow - his name is Ook-Pik, or something like that, & he's an owl. He's actually made out of seal-fur, which feels remarkably synthetic.
(Please let me out of this plastic egg. This is not dignified packaging. I am a handmade owl, not a plastic gew-gaw.)
(Wooo! Whee! Awooo! I fly again, I soar, I....)
(I am spurned in favor of the new Ikea catalogue. Drat those Billy bookcases.)
S____ also brought me 120gm of raw qiviuk fiber - now, I just have to figure out what do to with that... If only I knew a spinner who was working on qiviuk who I could turn to for advice... Oh wait. I do know someone like that. I probably won't tackle it until next year sometime though. Still, very very cool.
In other news, the man brought home a turkey that weighs exactly what Am did when she was born. Although my brain understands that newborns are a different shape than half frozen turkeys, still: color me terrified. Or at least a little resigned. (That photo would've been far funnier if someone else had taken it - but I think you still get a sense of the belly/bird scale.)
I'm just waiting for the little girl to finally quit talking, so that I can go have a nap. (I've got a date tonite!) (With my husband. No idea what we're doing, but it involves leaving Am with our sitter & us leaving the house.)

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