Sunday, October 18, 2009

More baby, anyone?

As a note, Am is being a super big sister. I'd have photos of us all together, but Am is very keen on pulling down my shirt to help me feed her "Leetle Baby Seester". So none of them are what I deem suitable for the Intarweb, or at least my little blog. Maybe tomorrow.
The cell phone picture I took at the hospital, just before we went home. She's only three hours old.
Sitting in the sun, working on that little wee bit of jaundice.
Napping in the sun... how sweet it is! (The only time I'm okay with someone taking my pic while I'm asleep.)

Am, modelling the hat she'll be wearing for longer than I anticipated, as the yarn I was spinning is currently on "hold".
I fully expect that the posting will fade away as the endorphins do... and as the sleep deprivation piles up. I'm still in recovery mode, where sitting is a planned activity. So for now, enjoy the baby photos! (I'm sure enjoying my family.)

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