Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Yes, Well, We'll Ignore That For Now.

Whew! I've been busy. I'll post pics & descriptions & junk, but we're not done with the schmozzle yet, so instead, have an except of a Facebook conversation between myself & one niece.
Me: "...BTW, the man wants to know if you know how early you'll have to get up & leave. It's 10am, so I figured that you could probably do that okay - if you don't stay up until "holy crap it's late o'clock" the night before. :)
Lots of love, K.
PS: Hey do you want to work on a knitting project while you're up visiting?"
Her: "Hey Alright. Ten isn't bad at all and i don't know about knitting it kinda bores me. Love you."
Me: "Oh! And she stabs me through the heart, not even using a knitting needle! Oh well. I'm going to teach Am & her dad at the same time - at some point in the future. Maybe you'll find something you really want to make by then. Or you'll see the charm of the boring - it's kind of soothing to do something so simple, that can add up to such an interesting end result. And I'll still love you if you don't knit, partially because that means that my stash is safer.
Ten am it is. See you soon, Love K."
Now, this is the girl who once asked "So the Jedi's are the good guys?", as well as noting "This is boring", RIGHT BEFORE THE DEATH STAR BLEW UP. So maybe she's on the other end of the gene pool from where I'm at... I still love her, but occasionally does not make any sense to my brain.
Off to carry on with some (really) boring projects- no, sadly, not being ironic. We're talking banking, filing, folding laundry, etc. etc....
PS: I did lay my hands on some Zauberball - two skeins of Fuchienbeest, for a Swiss Cheese scarf. Hubba hubba. I plan on knitting it on the trip to Whitehorse this weekend. Yes! We're going to Whitehorse for the weekend!

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