Monday, May 31, 2010
Thirty-Two Seconds Of Sunshine
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Well, This Sucks
Friday, May 28, 2010
A Happier Day
But still not a photo from today, no.
The man is home, and several visits from different people I love really added up to make it a nice day. Even with the sNOw.
(As a wise woman I know noted, there's "NO" in sNOw for a reason....)
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Nooooooo, originally uploaded by Kourtney_R.
Well, you might think that this photo is a shot of Am just having tripped & face-planted... but as I recall, she was just lamenting that I wouldn't give her another buttered cracker.
Possibly I asked her to wash her hands. At any rate, it was awful, and (obviously from the sunshine) not taken today.
It's definitely how the snow is making me feel. I'm not making that noise, however; the girls are both asleep.
PS: When Am hits the excess zone for no apparent reason, I'll sometimes take photos of her. It lets me step back from the moment, and realize that later, the cracker tragedy will be funny. It might also be really valuable for bribery later in her life.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
PS, Two Things:
Item the 2nd) In the name of encouraging a charming young crafter I know, if you're on Rav, can you please go here.. Gina Brown's competition ... and vote for #14? It's possibly the most charming invertebrate I've ever seen.

(There's also a spectacularly patient cat; I figure she deserves a prize just for being a hat model!)

I'd talk more about how much some encouragement that my gramma's friends gave me when I was younger meant to me, but you know, speaking of younger...
The baby is awake. And looking for a fresh bum & some milk, I'll bet.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Mmm, May, Sticky Notes
I'm so glad that I saved you, and I don't feel sheepish at all about the death threats I uttered to protect you.
I can't decide if I like you, or, like L_____, you are likable in small portions and toxic in larger quantities. Thanks to L_____, I have learned that it's easier to err on the side of caution. I'll be giving you a wide berth should we cross paths again.
Hope I didn't interupt your moment. I was just taking photos of the tulips.
Monday, May 24, 2010
It Was The Best Of Times, ...
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Blood In The Water; Helpful Hints

*Why do I know these things? I grew up on a farm with two hammerhead brothers.
**I'm so much happier gardening when it's not windy & rainy.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Riddle Me This:
Bremp. Bremp. Bremp.
Apparently, I can say nothing else tonite; I've deleted at least four different useless paragraphs. More later! With pictures! And words!
*More like "BREMP". Kind of like a flat klaxon.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Oh, Brain...
However, you couldn't prove it with what I knit last night... at least I only got two rows done before I listened to the niggling little voices in my head.
I didn't post a "duh"mb question to the designer on Ravelry. I didn't make an irreparable mess. I didn't even waste that much time.
I just couldn't get the difference between three and four figured out. *sigh* Auntie Tink, I've got a lot of work to do before I'm anywhere near the same level as you!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Me, Again?
Monday, May 10, 2010
Not A Sticky Note Monday
Thursday, May 06, 2010
Ah, Motherhood...

(Amoryn, nursing her baby.)
I had the sweetest ten minutes with my girls today. It made my day; possibly my week.
The man was at a yoga class*, so I was putting Amoryn to bed by myself. Or rather, I was the only adult putting Amoryn to bed - Eleni was there too.
I wasn't exactly wincing about the solo-adult bedtime routine, but I was braced for a little friction. Because Amoryn is three. And Eleni was awake. And Amoryn is three, and Eleni is teething.
It was pretty much what I'd expected, until we laid down. Amoryn always hops into bed, snuggles up next to her fish with her bear & Rowr, & whatever guest-star stuffies or books have been deemed necessary. Then her dad or I lay down for a snuggle, or I recline with Eleni** for as long as she's content - usually about two minutes. Tonight was different though.
I lay down on my side, and had Eleni propped up. Amoryn looked at us, then scooched over and stuffed her head under my chin. I could feel both of their little round heads on me - Amoryn's noggin weighing on my collarbone, Eleni's head on my ribs.
And we snuggled that way. Amoryn shook Eleni's stuffed rattle, and talked to her, and Eleni just stared and giggled at her big sister. And Amoryn petted Eleni's head, and told her that she had to be gentle because "Eleni is delicate".
It made my heart melt. It's still melting, actually. All of the little melty bits are seeping into the cracks that had started to form after a long day of being screamed at for various reasons***.

(What more can I say?)
*The yoga classes tend to be over supper or bedtime. We take turns; and it's much easier now that Eleni's schedule is more established.
**Despite some things I've read that suggest to have separate bedtime, I find the group bedtime works better when I'm with the girls alone. It's just too stressful for me to listen to Eleni screaming because she's at a snuggly part of the day; and I think it's less stressful for Amoryn too.
***"You're feeding me peas? I have a wet bum! I want a hug! Put me down! Pick me up! Nooooooo!" You know, the usual mothering routine.
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Surely, You're Mistaken*
It's my "Mistaken Shawl" (Rav link), available for free - download now !

My grandmother is one of several women** in my family who taught me to knit. When I was visiting her years ago, she showed me something in what she called a “mistake rib”. I've never found it in a stitch dictionary, but it's a real pleasure to work.
Monday, May 03, 2010
Does This Strike You As Funny?
Sunday, May 02, 2010
Contemplating the Distance
Ah, yes. I haven't blogged much in the last week because it would have read more or less like this...
Dear Diary - Today I primed & painted a wall.
Dear Diary - Today I put second & third coat on first wall and primed second wall.
Dear Diary - Today I put first & second coat on second wall & primed third wall.
Et cetera. A little dry, but certainly a great accomplishment. The main floor is all painted, and we love it. There's just the upstairs hallway & the kid's bathroom left, and those should be easy because there's no deadline we're working against, there's not a lot of stuff in those rooms, and there's not a ton of masking or edging to do.
Speaking of doing - this yarn is my April entry in the Ravelry spindler's group. The theme was "Going The Distance", which makes me think of Cake. I ended up spinning this little sample of yarn on my Kuchulu - and spent the whole time mulling whether I was willing to "go the distance" for that weight of yarn for the rest of the fiber... which is a yummy merino/cashmere blend that I've hand-dyed into sort of sunset colors.
I still haven't decided about the yarn.