Thursday, June 25, 2009

I'm pretty, I'm smart, & gosh darn it...

Well, maybe I'm not smart. I'm being challenged by counting to six.
All I'm trying to do is: *YO, K6, YO, K1*, repeat to end of row.
My poor, pretty cherry-blossom pink yarn. It's getting a little beat up looking; I don't even want to admit how often I've frogged this row.
My only comfort is that the first time, I frogged with good intentions. I counted just fine; it's just that I HATED what my dpn's did to my YO's.
So the question is... am I tired? Is this baby brain? Am I too fascinated by the tv show about ancient wonders with new discoveries? Has a week of being an oppressive dictator eroded my mental abilities?
I can still count - really. I just finished a hat that I'm very pleased with.
(Of course, I'm lazy as anything, so instead of a completed hat pic, here's a pic of Am helping make cookies. These were already in the camera, so I didn't have to move my arse to find the camera.)
Stay tuned sports fans; the man is home tomorrow to resume his share of dictatorial duties. And if that, sleep & a channel change doesn't help, we'll be officially in baby-brain.
PS: If you don't knit & are confused by the lingo - doesn't it sound cool? Don't you want to learn how, so that you too can hang out with the cool kids at the yarns store?

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