Monday, March 23, 2009

The Mystery of the Missing...

I don’t know if you’ve ever been over to my house. It’s not immaculate; we try our best to keep it clean, and I do prefer it tidy. But clutter follows me around like a lost puppy dog*. Despite my best efforts, I’m just that kind of person. I have a lot of hobbies; and reading, knitting, & sewing all accrete fairly substantial piles of things.
(At least, the way I do them. I guess if you sewed & knitted one project ONLY at a time, and only read library books, it would be different. I like to own reference books, and books that I really like. So there are the books. And then there’s the stash of fabric, which may not be exhaustive, has been pruned back, but is still sizeable. And there’s the yarn & needle stash too. And I like to have a couple books here & there, for different reading or reference purposes. And a couple three knitting projects. The knitting & the sewing are a little more corralled, simply to protect the cats & the yarn from each other.** But, there’s, well, there’s always stuff around.)
And the man reads too. And so does Amoryn. And then there are Am’s toys. Actually, Am herself is a fairly significant factor… she untidies just slower than I can tidy if I really apply myself. To summarize: despite best efforts by management, there continues to be a persistent mess or clutter in at least one location in the house. Not everywhere; it moves. I get the island cleaned off, the dining room table gets it. I clean the sewing desk downstairs, the office gets it. Et cetera.
Despite that, I was doing pretty well keeping track of where everything is. But! All of a sudden! 2009 is the year of missing things. Currently AWOL are:
1) A small knitting reference book that I scored at a used book store. It’s fantastic, circa 1947 so a bit obscure, but I dig that. Last seen about three days after we got back from Maui. So no, I didn't lose it in an airport or on an island. It's here, in the house.
2) A book about back pain by John Sarno – MIA about a week after the other book.
3) One PAIR of small pink & white sneakers, new & barely worn by Am. Gone since mid-early January.
While I freely admit that I do lose things on myself, it’s usually when I do a major clarification of the house, & things move from their accustomed place to being ‘put away’. And even then, it’s just a case of having to check a couple spots before I find them. But these items are resisting my search.
I hate to point fingers, but I can’t help notice that my small partner in crime has also has a tendency to “reorganize” things. (Reference above paragraph about tidy/untidy rates.) So I am suspecting that these items have been moved from the places I would tend to keep them, & relocated to someplace else. And honestly, those shoes are making me crazy. If I didn’t have photographic evidence of them, I would tend to think that I had just imagined buying them, because I have sincerely hunted for them, & there is no sign. I might be willing to blame the cats if it was only one shoe – but pairs? The cats aren’t that focused.*** Also, they have no interest in books. So I’m afraid that I keep looking sideling at Am, as she happily lugs things from one place to another, and dances around in whichever pair of shoes have been deemed favorites for the day.


(The silver shoes are mine, although faves of Am's. The sneaker, in profile, looks sly, now that I study it. Maybe they ran away!)
*Or that one guy I dated really briefly in college.
**Did I ever tell you about the time that Suki ate most of a spool of thread while I was in the bathroom? Did I ever tell you how much the vet for that cost? Hah.
***Well, these ones aren’t. I’ve lived with some cats that were, but not these two.

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