Friday, March 06, 2009


(Lucky bird of paradise has never experienced "cold" of any type.)

Yes, Am has been back in daycare for three days. And yes, yesterday morning, when I dropped her off, there was a little girl who had enough boogers running down her face that the addition of a couple flies would have made her the perfect poster kid for fund-raising pathos images of some sort.*
So I knew. I knew that Am would be gettting sick, and then me, then probably the man. But still! I want to wail & blubber, but I can't breathe through my nose well enough to do either. Amoryn is the same.
If I don't post again, you'll know that I've drown in my own snot.
(Sorry if you're not a mom/have never been exposed to toddler germs & the associated fallout. Trust me, there are way grosser things that I've been editing from you.)
*Sacred cows do make the best hamburger, don't you agree?

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