Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday Night, & the Couch is Calling Me.

(One of the ugliest, yet most fascinating, plants I've ever seen. It had no fragrance, which honestly was a bit of a relief, because who knows what something that looks like that would smell like. I don't even want to conjecture.)
I had great intentions of accomplishing things this weekend. At least, I think I did... I got a bit lost in the haze of whatever crud it is that Amoryn brought home this week. Maybe I did get things done this weekend, and I just didn't notice. Hm. At any rate. I had a busy week last week, & I've got a busy week coming up, so even if I didn't get much done this weekend, it's okay.
Something happened a couple weeks ago that I feel sheepish about. I lost my temper and taught my mouse how to fly. It had CLEARLY been asking for it, as it was getting sketchy & settng itself to magnify at random times & refusing to switch back to normal. I'd feel guiltier about loosing my temper, but I only threw one part of my computer*, & given how much I have worked with them & how much they drive me crazy sometimes, I think I'm doing well. Also, I only threw it; there was no stream of invective. So, that's controlling my temper, too, right?
I got a new set from Costco; and now I refuse to reflect on the irony that the (new) mouse doesn't work. Maybe I'll take a page from the man's plant management book & threaten it. I'll leave the broken mouse in plain sight, or maybe give it to Amoryn to play with. That should frighten it into submission. Also, tomorrow I'll bring batteries down; the ones that came in the box might be dead.
Speaking of dead, I have an episode of CSI recorded, & just waiting for me to watch it. And I'm alone** in the house, so I'm going to go & pit in on the couch with my socks, & see how it all works out.

(This plant TOTALLY made me think of the brushes that they use for lifting fingerprints.)
UPDATE: The mouse is now working. The threat was effective!
*I knew a man who threw his entire desktop computer off of his deck. Monitor, keyboard, tower, & wires. And then he vetched all summer about all the d@mn letters that he kept running over with his lawn mower.
**Well, Am is home too, of course, but she's asleep. The man is at the Brier final.
***Well, it's more the ribbing for what will likely be socks, unless I lose my interest/patience or Suki gets the yarn when it's unattended.

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